Travelogue from another world

Veröffentlicht am:
5. June 2020

In a recent article, the magazine “Pilot und Flugzeug” provides an exclusive insight into flight operations in times of Covid-19.
Pilots are accompanied by central questions, such as:

How do I get to my workplace?
The tower is only manned on a makeshift basis. How can I still take off and land?
What regulations do I have to observe after landing?

A pilot’s account of his experiences gives an insight into the strange daily routine of a job in unusual times.

We pay special attention to the visual material. Because a Butzbach hangar door can clearly be seen on it. This is installed in the cooking hangar in Karlsruhe-Baden.

According to flight captain and author Jan Brill, it is “the best gate he has ever pushed open, because it works with 2 fingers!”

Read the full article here: